Global Specialty Coffee Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Global specialty coffee market will reach $ 120,539.1 million by 2030, growing by 12.9% annually over 2022-2030, driven by rising disposable income and urbanization, growing demand for on-the-go coffee, strengthening premium coffee shops, and rising preferences for specialty coffee and green coffee. In terms of demand volume, the global market is expected to grow at … Read more

Europe Specialty Coffee Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Europe specialty coffee market was valued at $17,140.8 million in 2022 and will grow by 12.4% annually over 2022-2030, driven by rising disposable income and urbanization, growing demand for on-the-go coffee, strengthening premium coffee shops, and rising preferences for specialty coffee and green coffee.Highlighted with 48 tables and 55 figures, this 118-page report “Europe Specialty … Read more

Asia Pacific Smart Surface and Coatings Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Asia Pacific Smart Surface and Coatings market will grow by 31.7% annually with a total addressable market cap of $ 93,991.2 million over 2022-2031, driven by the continuous economic development and substantial infrastructure development, superior properties of smart coatings such as corrosion prevention/material protection, the surface improvement applications in various industrial sectors, and the growing … Read more

Global Smart Food Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Global smart food market will reach $1,195.2 billion by 2031, growing by 9.1% annually over 2021-2031, driven by the increasing awareness among consumers about health and balanced diet, the changing dietary patterns due to modern lifestyle, the emerging innovative smart food products with reduced healthcare cost, the growing R&D in food industry, and the introduction … Read more

North America Smart Food Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

North America smart food market is projected to grow by 8.4% annually in the forecast period and reach $380.1 billion by 2031, driven by the increasing awareness among consumers about health and balanced diet, the changing dietary patterns due to modern lifestyle, the emerging innovative smart food products with reduced healthcare cost, the growing R&D … Read more

Europe Smart Food Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Europe smart food market was valued at $133.1 billion in 2021 and will grow by 7.9% annually over 2021-2031, driven by the increasing awareness among consumers about health and balanced diet, the changing dietary patterns due to modern lifestyle, the emerging innovative smart food products with reduced healthcare cost, the growing R&D in food industry, … Read more

Asia Pacific Smart Food Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Asia Pacific smart food market will grow by 11.4% annually with a total addressable market cap of $2,304.8 billion over 2022-2031, driven by the increasing awareness among consumers about health and balanced diet, the changing dietary patterns due to modern lifestyle, the emerging innovative smart food products with reduced healthcare cost, the growing R&D in … Read more

Global Smart Surface and Coatings Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Global Smart Surface and Coatings market will reach $69,094.0 million by 2031, growing by 29.9% annually over 2021-2031, driven by the continuous economic development and substantial infrastructure development, superior properties of smart coatings such as corrosion prevention/material protection, the surface improvement applications in various industrial sectors, and the growing R&D in the coatings sector. In … Read more

Europe Smart Surface and Coatings Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Europe Smart Surface and Coatings market was valued at $ 1,346.4 million in 2021 and will grow by 28.4% annually over 2021-2031, driven by the continuous economic development and substantial infrastructure development, superior properties of smart coatings such as corrosion prevention/material protection, the surface improvement applications in various industrial sectors, and the growing R&D in … Read more

Asia Pacific Specialty Coffee Market Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

Asia Pacific specialty coffee market will grow by 15.3% annually with a total addressable market cap of $159,683.5 million over 2023-2030, driven by rising disposable income and urbanization, growing demand for on-the-go coffee, strengthening premium coffee shops, and rising preferences for specialty coffee and green coffee.Highlighted with 45 tables and 54 figures, this 118-page report … Read more