North America Quantum Dots Market  Size, Share, Forecast, and Growth Opportunity

North America quantum dots (QD) market is projected to grow by 22.4% annually in the forecast period and reach $13,042.2 million by 2031, driven by the increasing demand for quantum dots in display devices, advancing features of quantum dots, and the diverse applications of quantum dots in various industries.
Highlighted with 23 tables and 52 figures, this 111-page report “North America Quantum Dots Market 2021-2031 by Offering (QD Products, QD Materials), Production Technology, Industry Vertical, and Country: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity” is based on a comprehensive research of the entire North America quantum dots (QD) market and all its sub-segments through extensively detailed classifications. Profound analysis and assessment are generated from premium primary and secondary information sources with inputs derived from industry professionals across the value chain. The report is based on studies on 2019-2021 and provides forecast from 2022 till 2031 with 2021 as the base year. (Please note: The report will be updated before delivery so that the latest historical year is the base year and the forecast covers at least 5 years over the base year.)

In-depth qualitative analyses include identification and investigation of the following aspects:
• Market Structure
• Growth Drivers
• Restraints and Challenges
• Emerging Product Trends & Market Opportunities
• Porter’s Fiver Forces
The trend and outlook of North America market is forecast in optimistic, balanced, and conservative view by taking into account of COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine conflict. The balanced (most likely) projection is used to quantify North America quantum dots (QD) market in every aspect of the classification from perspectives of Offering, Production Technology, Industry Vertical, and Country.

Based on Offering, the North America market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2021-2031 included in each section.
• QD Products
o QD Displays
 QD LCDs/QDEFs (Quantum Dot Enhancement Films)
 QD Color Filters
 Self-Emitting QD TVs/True QLEDs
o QD Medical Devices
o QD Photodetectors/QD Sensors
o QD Lasers
o QD Lighting (LED) Solutions
o Batteries and Energy Storage Systems
o QD Solar Cells
o QD Transistors
o QD Chips and Tags
• QD Materials
o Cadmium-Based QD (Cadmium Selenide, Cadmium Sulphide and Cadmium Telluride)
o Cadmium-Free QD (Indium Arsenide, Silicon, Graphene, Lead Sulphide and Perovskite Quantum Dots)

Based on Production Technology, the North America market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2021-2031 included in each section.
• Colloidal Synthesis
• Plasma Synthesis
• Fabrication
o Lithography
o Electron-Beam Lithography
o Soft Lithography
o Stencil Lithography
o Nanolithography
o Photopatternable Array
• Bio-Molecular Self-Assembly
• Viral Assembly
• Electrochemical Assembly
• Bulk Manufacturing

By Industry Vertical, the North America market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ mn) for 2021-2031 included in each section.
• Consumer Electronics
• Corporate
• Retail
• Telecommunication
• Healthcare and Medical
o Biological Imaging
o Cellular Labelling
o DNA Labelling
o QD-Based Cancer Diagnosis
• Military and Defense
• Manufacturing
• Automotive and Transportation
• Agriculture
• Other Verticals

Geographically, the following national/local markets are fully investigated:
• U.S.
• Canada
• Mexico
For each key country, detailed analysis and data for annual revenue ($mn) are available for 2021-2031. The breakdown of national markets by Offering and Industry Vertical over the forecast years are also included.

The report also covers current competitive scenario and the predicted trend; and profiles key vendors including market leaders and important emerging players.
Selected Key Players:
3M Company
Crystalplex Corporation
Innolume GmbH
LG Display Co., Ltd.
Nanoco Group Plc
Nanoco Technologies Ltd.
NanoPhotonica Inc.
Nanosys Inc.
Navillum Nanotechnologies, Inc.
Ocean Nanotech LLC
Osram Licht AG
QD Laser, Inc.
Quantum Material Corporation
Quantum Solutions LLC
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sony Corporation
UbiQD, Inc.
(Please note: The report will be updated before delivery so that the latest historical year is the base year and the forecast covers at least 5 years over the base year.)
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